Friday, 25 February 2011

Assignment 4 - Setups and Rejects

Various shots were rejected for shape. I'm still a bit torn about the image that is top right above but I think the ones I selected are the best. The window shots didn't work amazingly well and the sunset shot I planned never happened as the sun needs to visit Manchester!

My other texture shots focus on the flaws in the metal. I really like these and they are successful images, so I'm prepared if Simon suggests that my smooth shot outside isn't following the brief. 

I tried a few different backdrops for the ice bunny and also a few different contrasts such as the reflector with a lot more light hitting it, and the coffee table. I'm pleased with the two I have selected as none of the above really show the colour any better. 

As can be seen above there were a few different attempts at the window sill shot. All were fine, but I liked having more context. I also tried a few different angles on the balcony shot. 

Here's the Mapplethorpe I have 'aped'


And here's the process of moulding the bunny

Finally here are two of the lighting set-ups I used.

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